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Automated Garage Doors and Gates Ltd
Posted on: 27 January 2017

Safety and Security: Hire a Professional to Fit Your Garage Door

There are some jobs around the home that you might take pride in doing yourself. There are other jobs that your mate Geoff - who has the full set of Black and Decker gadgetry in his toolshed - might lend a hand in completing in return for a couple of beers. However, there is a final set of jobs for which you should always seek professional help. Generally speaking: anything that could cause you injury if improperly tampered with. Gas appliances are an obvious example; perhaps less obviously, for reasons of safety and security, you should always hire a professional to fit or fix your garage door.

Red car parked in front of a white up and over garage door


A garage door is a heavy automated moving feature. An amateur could misunderstand how this complex structure is supported and cause damage to the door (or themselves) by allowing the door to fall. Parts of a garage door can be under high tension. Unintentionally releasing a spring or a cable can release that tension at high speed with risk of injury. Automated garage doors rely on electricity. Hiring a professional engineer to fix your garage door ensures that nobody is going to be jabbing a screwdriver into a live current.       

Hooded thief stealing mobile phone from a car


Garages are often used to store valuable tools and equipment. By hiring a professional garage door mechanic with a long history of trading you know that you are hiring someone whose business means more to them than the chance of making a quick buck. The services offered by rogue traders through websites such as gumtree may be cheaper, but can you be certain they don’t have an ulterior motive for wanting to see in people’s garages? 

All of our garage doors are fitted by qualified engineers with years of experience in the industry. We have a long-established business and a showroom on the Sweet Briar industrial estate. For safe and secure supply, installation and maintenance of your automated garage doors and gates, call 01603 787069.